On the sister page I’ve put a listing of my reviews of classic literature (you haven’t read them, but I did it for you). Here are books from those who walk among us, the classics we don’t know well enough not to read yet. Catch them now before they’re made into movies!
I give the title and author, my Star-rank(for quality) and my Hope grade (for the tone). I also link to the reviews I’ve done in case you’d like to see them together. I’ll arrange them by author’s last name.
Books of the Current Day
I love to read and review the work of my fellow authors and if you’re looking for a good one I hope you’ll check these out.

Historic Crimes and Justice in Burlington, Vermont by Jeffry H. Beerworth
Alleged Real World History
(Interesting view of small-city crime detection)

Critical Failures (Caverns and Creatures Book 1) by Robert Bevan
Fantasy Imitates Life
(Roaring good fun)

Awakening (The Ydron Saga Book 1) by Raymond Bolton
(Good premise, some terrific action)

Escape from Witchwood Hollow by Jordan Elizabeth
Fantasy in the Alleged Real World
(Interesting premise, borders on YA)

(Satisfying ending)
Rys Rising by Tracy Falbe
Heroic Fantasy
(Excellent, well-realized world)

(Some rough stuff, not sure who deserves to win)
The Dragon’s Message: A Dragon Tome Novelette by Lori Fitzgerald
Heroic Fantasy
(Strong poetic/romance flavor)

(No doubt who the heroes are)
Ordination by Dan Ford
(No cracks in the writing anywhere)

(Heroes with scars)
Paralan’s Children: A Science Fiction Novel by Katharina Gerlach
(Interesting world, good characters, nice mystery)

(Her stuff always turns out well)
Scotland’s Guardians: Myths and Legends from the Highlands by Katharina Gerlach
Paranormal History- Middle Grade
(Fabulous mix of Legend and Loch!)

(The tone reminded me a bit of Meg in Wrinkle in Time)
Bellarosa: Sleeping Beauty (Treasures Retold Book 6) by Katharina Gerlach
Retold Fairy Tale
(Lovely twist on an ancient tale)

(Always inspiring tone and moral)
The Shadow Familiar: by Joshua Grasso
Heroic Fantasy- (demi-Renaissance)
(Brilliant weave of story and point of view)

(Plenty of great characters; classic heroes in slightly short supply)
Without Bloodshed (Starbreaker Series Book 1) by Matthew Graybosch
Rock-and-Roll Dystopian

(Not sure who the bad guys are)
Colony by J.A. Henderson
Paranormal/Horror/Thriller in the Alleged Real World
(Superb characterizations, flashbacks, tension)

(Can’t point to a perfectly happy ending… or any ending)
Deuces Wild: Beginner’s Luck by L.S. King
Sci-Fi Western

(Good guys triumph big-time)
Sword’s Edge by L.S. King
Heroic Fantasy

(Crime doesn’t pay, hardly even smells the money)
Why You Were Taken by J.T. Lawrence
Thriller in the Alleged Real World
(Utterly riveting premise and characters)

(Survival yes, victory well…)
Grey Magic by J.T. Lawrence
Fantasy in the Alleged Real World
(Alternately fun, serious, enriching)

(Answers that raise further questions)
Elfhunter (Tales of Alterra, the World that Is.#1) (Elfhunter Trilogy) by C.S. Marks
Epic Fantasy

(No doubt who to root for)
A Simple Thing: A Novel by Kathleen McCleary
Fiction in the Alleged Real World
(Masterful and elegant)

(Worried mid-way, but all’s well by the end)
Sorcha’s Heart by Debbie Mumford
MG Fantasy
(Quick moving, popular theme)

(Good guys clear, ending happy)
What You Wish For by Patrick Rockefeller
Supernatural in the Alleged Real World
(Mastered that “Supernatural” vibe)

(Good guys win… just)
Tis But a Patch by Patrick Rockefeller
Supernatural in the Alleged Real World
(Spenser meets Tales from the Crypt)

(Lotta’ damaged people here…)
A Singular Gift by Sue Santore
MG Fantasy in the Alleged Real World
(Well written, made me care about the MC)

(Satisfying result)
Brotherhood of Delinquents by Jefferson Smith

(Slightly-grittier vision of hope)
The Fire Islands by Gilbert Stack
Historical Fantasy

(The good guys have some rough edges)
Lazarus Key by Gilbert Stack
Historical Horror

(Bbrrrr… these guys are hurting for Hope)
A Noble’s Quest (The Empire’s Foundation Book 1) by Ryan Toxopeus
Epic Fantasy

(No doubt who to root for)
The Romanov Legacy: A Natalie Brandon Thriller by Jenni Wiltz
Alleged Real World Thriller

(You must care about these characters)
Devil’s Lair by David Wisehart
Fantasy Cross-Over
(Powerful grasp of historical detail)

(The descent to hell seemed a bit anticlimactic)