Tag Archives: Tolkien

Mirkwood, New Audiobook Title Now Available

After penning his masterpiece, Tolkien lived on.

But so did Middle Earth.

This is probably the most sophisticated tale I’ve told to date.

No question, it’s the most overdue!

Mirkwood is the story told by Steve Hillard that spans the current day, earlier decades, and both the Alleged Real World and the Fourth Age of Middle Earth! I got to pull out all the stops setting the scene between two realms, shifting between foul sorcery and the more subtly sinister spells of the modern city.

And it’s a tale that features a female protagonist, strong and getting stronger. In fact, two of them, one in each world.

I was privileged to work on this project for Steve Hillard about a year ago, and my labors were wrapped up before midsummer. Because of the long-rumored advent of a new streaming series set in Middle Earth, he wanted to wait and “catch the wave”. Conditions can never be certain these days but all the rumors seem to agree on “soon”, so now is the time.

I hope you will enjoy this world-spanning epic tale.

Mirkwood is available on Audible now.

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