No fuss, and no lie. From July 1st to the 5th my sword and sorcery novelette introducing the Lands of Hope is available free on Amazon. I’m hoping everyone will go and download a copy, because it boosts visibility for my other tales, and because it’s a super-quick shot of Hope flavored with suspense and dark romance. Try it!
Never call Trekelny a thief, he’s the greatest stealthic since Astor himself. It’s true, just ask him. He won’t end the night a coin richer, instead exchanging mortal risk for a hero’s reputation. But on this night, he won’t succeed to live in song, or even survive, without the help of a woman who hates him above all others. If he is to despoil her temple, he must also take her love with him.
Think you already have a copy? Download it again, no one minds! And if you read the tale and liked it, by all means please leave a review, that’s another part of my dastardly scheme. Stay tuned for the day this sale ends, I’ll unveil my master plot to spread Hope around the Alleged Real World, with your help!
I offer this simple, standing challenge to one and all. If you’ve never read a Tale of Hope, make this one your first. This novelette is under 15 thousand words, in which a Stealthic sets out to do the impossible, then doubles down on danger half-way through.
Here’s the really cool part- if you are a member of Kindle Unlimited, you pay a set price each month for unrestricted access to books in the Kindle library. Read as many as you like. And here’s a secret:
:: looks both ways, whispers ::
If you read just 10 percent of a book you’re looking at, the author still gets paid!
Ten percent of TMM is FIVE PAGE-TURNS! And it costs you nothing once you’re a member. You could finish that on your commute, even if you worked in the kitchen.
I did the calculation- any way you slice it, by the time you’ve reached these words:
“The beast stayed at striking distance the entire time, which made the back of Trekelny’s legs tingle with peril.”
… You’ve made it, ten percent read. Good deed done, starving author (well, hungry) supported.
And I dare you to stop reading then anyway!
Indie authors are always trying new ways to get folks quickly and easily interested in their work. But how can you do better than 10 percent of a short FREE book?
So KU members, take my challenge. Read slightly more than the number of words
{From Assassins Creed, but looks startlingly like Trekelny’s ascent!}
in the Declaration of Independence (about 1,450), and who knows what Liberty and Life you may discover (while painlessly helping me earn a little more property). It would be unAmerican not to.
And if you’ve decided not to try KU yet, Three Minutes to Midnight is a spanking fun sword-and-sorcery cliffhanger for just 99 cents. You can read the whole thing if you like, and with half the words of Romeo and Juliet you get just as many deaths, more daring escapes, and I guarantee a hotter love story. Trust me, when Trekelny climbs to the balcony of the High Priestess of Khoirah, he’s going to give her the kiss of a lifetime.
Tell your friends, share this post and spread the word– anyone you meet who mentions Kindle Unlimited, or e-books, or who says they’re in a hurry, just lean in and whisper “Three Minutes to Midnight”. No matter the rush, you’ve got time for that.