Tag Archives: Cryssigens

Fencing Reputation Now Available in Paperback

The second novella in my series “Shards of Light” is now available as a physical product, right over here.

Shards of Light II - large webI love this plot, this character, this city. For pure joy and fulfillment, nothing in my life beats writing about the Lands of Hope, and there’s no place that’s more true than in Cryssigens, early 2002 ADR. If you read the first novella, The Ring and the Flag, you’ll have an idea what I’m talking about. But not to worry! Captain Justin from that tale starts out at almost the same time as the Stealthic Feldspar in this one, the tales stand alone and you could read them in either order.

Fencing Reputation is heroic fantasy with a flavor of detective noir. Feldspar is the man of a thousand disguises, but no one has seen his real face until today. Including himself. The only thing Feldspar knows for sure is that he won’t let his new, mundane persona take over his life, and he’ll never get involved in politics. Or become attached to any of his new neighbors. Wrong on all counts of course.


Some reviews of the e-book format:

An epic fantasy tale with the best qualities of an Errol Flynn swashbuckler. If you enjoy detail-rich settings and mysterious characters, this medieval tale will intrigue you. The anonymous main character’s many faces are fascinating, but none more so than his Feldspar personae, a stealthic of legendary proportions.- Barnes and Noble

I love the way the story mixed humorous scenes with grim ones.– Goodreads

Feldspar is a Stealthic, one of those reckless professional risk-takers like Bildon in Judgement’s Tale and the legendary Trekelny of Three Minutes to Midnight. Like them, when faced with difficult choices, he tie-breaks based on the course of greater risk. {Actually, who ever took a bigger risk than poor Meandar in The Plane of Dreams?} The added wrinkle for Feldspar is that he’s adopted incredible disguises in a city where everyone else is eager to display exactly who they are.

This is a crossover tale, so whichever order you read, the hero in the second book will catch glimpses of someone you’ve already met. And the adventure versus the conspiracy threatening the Southlands will continue in Shards of Light III, “Perilous Embraces” later this year.

I hope you enjoy Fencing Reputation, probably the most suspenseful, and also most humorous tale I have offered to date. Don’t forget to leave a review! I’m ordering a box right now, to use at the Con and other meet-ups this summer: it will be great to have three titles out in paper.