Tag Archives: audiobooks

Master of Music

Long-Awaited Release

The most involved and ambitious audiobook project of 2023 for me is finally hitting the digital shelves. I can’t wait for you to sample the Bardic Isles Book 1, Master of Music.

Marla Himeda has composed (and I mean that quite literally) such an original story–fantasy without swords or dragons or races–yet there is strong conflict within the major characters. There are elements of mystery, suspense, and humor (as with any good fantasy) in a tale for anyone from 6 to 96. The tone is much like Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander, but the author deals with adults, their thoughts and worries just as deeply and capably as the protagonist who’s barely a teen. A mentor and his student, learning about maturity as much as music.

All this goes to a fine fantasy book, and that’s… fine. But the music.

You Heard Me. Music!

Here is a book actually-factually stuffed with music. Musicians are the main characters. The magic in the world comes from music. There are flowing, wonderful descriptions of flutes, pipes, harps, trios and ensembles including voices. And, see, there’s music too. You can hear it.

Because Marla Himeda, as we were working on the project, decided she would compose it all.

She worked instruments and voices into the descriptions she had previously written, in a seamless match between what I read aloud and what you can hear alongside it. It’s truly a unique listening experience. We went over portions of this word by word and beat by beat, syncing to the eighth-note and to every decibel of volume.

I have had the privilege to work on scores of books in my narration career, for dozens of authors besides myself. This has to rank as one of the most memorable, and I think enjoyable pieces yet. Very few projects I’ve worked on come up to this level. Hard to say for sure, but maybe none of them.

If you’re looking for hours of entertainment, strictly at 1.0x speed, I would recommend Master of Music. The author has gone “wide” and it’s available at all the major outlets, below are just a few. I am honored to have been asked (therein hangs another tale!) and I look forward eagerly to the sequel, as much as a reader as narrator.

Try the Sample, you won’t regret it.

At Amazon

At Barnes & Noble

At Kobo

At Chirp

At Google

At Libro FM

At Spotify

Spotify Promotion! A Month of Infamy-to-Senility

I distribute my audiobooks via Findaway Voices— the “wide” option. They are always adding new retail outlets to their stable. I never see a reason to say “no”, I just click OK and watch for the returns. Somewhere along the way, the company I always associated with music– OK, with Taylor Swift– signed on. I was yesterday-years-old before I realized this.

But even better, Findaway makes it EASY to promote my tales now.

New Promotion for the Shards of Light series

If you haven’t picked up the first book in my Shards of Light tales yet, I’m running a special promotion on The Ring and the Flag (book 1) as well as Fencing Reputation (book 2). Spotify sets the final price but I’ve tagged it for a deep discount starting tomorrow and running for the next month.

The dates are central to my theme, Infamy to Senility. December 8th is the day FDR actually used an SAT word to call for America to go to war (fabulous History trivia- on December 8th, my home state of Vermont also voted to recognize a state of war, in complete violation of the Constitution. The next day, Congress followed suit, but for a few hours it was just us against the Japanese Empire). And January 7th when the sale ends it will be my birthday; I think that explains the second half of the title.

Audiobooks at a Great Price

Semi-seriously, if you enjoy fantasy, storytelling audiobooks, need a great Christmas gift item, or just want to make me happy (and honestly, doesn’t that cover everyone?), these titles would fit the bill. If you’re on Spotify already, how can you NOT check one or both of these tales out? If you have an answer to that question, don’t tell me.

Have a wondrous holiday season!

The Ring and the Flag on Spotify
Fencing Reputation on Spotify