Shards of Light: Adventure in All Formats!
The four-part fantasy series chronicling chaos in Cryssigens is now available in paperback, e-book and audiobook. Give the gift of Hope for the holidays! Descriptions here with links below.
A leaderless city in turmoil, from a dark conspiracy well hidden, in a wounded Empire tilting back toward civil war.
And three heroes who together are the kingdom’s only hope…
have never even met.
Shards of Light 1: The Ring and the Flag
I was always drawn to the events of this first adventure, one of the first two stories I published nearly a decade ago. If you like a classic fantasy quest– doomed secret mission, race against time, mystery monster and a hero who doubts himself– you should enjoy Captain Justin and his exploits. It ends well I think, but you can tell there’s more.
Shards of Light 2: Fencing Reputation
The second book and hero were well known to me and took far less than a year to write and publish. Feldspar the Stealthic is certainly a less usual hero. Without giving the game away, you might have to count him as more than one person depending on circumstance. Vaulting bone-shattering heights, dodging assassins, probing dark places for even darker secrets, these pose no problem. How to meet the new neighbors, on the other hand? That might be the end of him. I took real delight in penning this first-person, detective-flavored adventure.
Shards of Light 3: Perilous Embraces
Here my efforts hit a definite snag. Alongside the labor to finish another full-length novel, introducing the central member of the Shards heroic triumvirate proved to be the hardest task I have ever faced. And in bringing the beautiful mystic W’starrah Altieri to the page, I believe I did some of my best work. Here the plot swirls together and the conspiracy is nearly exposed. The connections to the other two heroes are captured in cross-over scenes which required some nimble footwork on the calendar of days. New characters, as always, were folded into the action. I finished on a hard note, assuredly (I can say no more).
Shards of Light, the Finale
Now my fingers flew again and the final book, for all its complexity, came together very quickly. I enjoyed the return of long-unvisited characters as you would welcome in an old friend. The pace of the action accelerated along with the writing, and I was thrilled to see it coming together in a way that (I hope) brought the entire epic around. I think faithful readers will gain a very satisfying ending from their efforts.
Where to Find Shards of Light
The series is available in paperback or e-book formats, as separate volumes as well as a collection set on Amazon and other major retailers.
The series is also available in audiobook format as well, with the revision of the first volume, and is rolling out to new retail outlets just as this holiday season rolls around.