Judgement’s Tale Continues: Part Two Available for Preorder

This week, Amazon announced they’ve made it possible to preorder books, and my publisher (did I mention recently, I HAVE A PUBLISHER!) jumped on that opportunity with both feet.

LoHI_JT_SoC_Cover_frontStrength of Conviction, the second volume in the Judgement’s Tale saga, is available for preorder now and will be released on September 29th. Sales of the first volume have been quite encouraging, and if you enjoyed what you saw of Solemn Judgement, Treaman, Gareth, Cedrith and Natasha, I encourage you to click on the link below and set yourself up for a second round. Preorders really help to boost visibility on retail sites, so if you have an interest please feel free to keep the wheels turning.

As always, I’m interested in hearing from folks who would like to review Strength of Conviction, especially if you can do it during the month of September; leave a message here with your preferred format and I’ll be in touch. Still haven’t read Part One, Games of Chance? There’s plenty of time between now and the end of September- initial reviews have been quite strong. Or if you have read GoC and have feedback on the tale so far, I’d love to hear from you!

Ar Aralte! (Hope Forever)

Link to Strength of Conviction on Amazon